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Registration cancellation policy

All cancellations must be provided in writing via email to Awards Absolute:

An administration cancellation fee of $55 may be incurred for any cancellations received in writing prior to Wednesday 14 February 2024.

A substitute delegate can attend in place of any person needing to cancel on or after Wednesday 14 February 2024. Otherwise, the cancellation will forfeit 100% of the registration fee. 

See exception to the above under 'COVID-19 Peace of Mind policy'.


Extra Awards ticket cancellations

“Extra” tickets purchased outside of a Full Summit Registration cannot be refunded if participants cancel. However, a substitute can attend. See exception under 'COVID-19 Peace of Mind policy'.

COVID-19 Peace of Mind policy

We offer a full refund on all registration fees if COVID restrictions either in Queensland where the events are being held or in your home state forbid your attendance. We offer this up to 10 days before the conference starting date. So register now with peace of mind.

Program changes

The organisers and administrators reserve the right to amend any arrangements contained in the program.

Intention to photograph and record

By registering to attend the Art as Attraction Summit and / or Awards, you grant Awards Absolute Pty Ltd permission to photograph, video and / or record you during the Summit and Awards activities to support promotion, publicity and reporting this event, future events and Awards activities. If you have any objection to being photographed or filmed, please email prior to 1 March 2024.


Accommodation and travel cancellations

Accommodation booking and cancellation is directly handled by your chosen hotel, while transport cancellations are a matter for your transport provider. Please contact your accommodation or transport provider to enquire about their cancellation fees and policy.



Registration fees do not include travel insurance. It is strongly recommended that, at the time you register for the Summit and book your travel and accommodation, you take out an insurance policy of your choice. The administrators do not provide insurance nor take any responsibility for any participant failing to arrange their own insurance.

Conference / event cancellation

If the conference is cancelled for whatever reason then registered attendees will receive a full refund. 


The delegate and their employer shall indemnify and keep indemnified, Awards Absolute for legal liability to Third Parties for bodily injury and or property damage incurred as a result of the delegate's actions in the set-up, during or bump out from the event.

Force Majeure

In the case of force majeure, the parties (Awards Absolute Pty Ltd, the delegate and their employer) will be freed from any liability or obligation inherent in this contract. Force Majeure means any act of God, war (declared or undeclared), pandemic or epidemic, blockade, explosion, sabotage, riot, insurrection, civil commotion, national emergency, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disturbance or interference with service delivery, accidents, delays in the provision of goods or services outside of our control, communications or network failure, government restraint, delays in the obtaining of Government required approvals / licences / permits or the effect of any applicable laws, orders, rules or regulations, or any other matter beyond the reasonable control of the event organiser.

Terms & Conditions: Text

Ph: 1300 88 22 59

© 2023 Awards Absolute Pty Ltd

About Art of Attraction:

The only conference in the country dedicated to helping Australia’s 11,000+ regional towns and cities by focussing on two key visitor segments: art-loving tourists and mature-age travellers.


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